We Must Protect This House
The marketing slogan, "
We Must Protect This House," was made famous by the popular TV commercials of athletic garment manufacturer Under Armor. Its catchy rhythmatic jingle, coupled with a dynamic mission statement rivals nothing short of any number of military

commercials, aimed at inspiring all takers to unify and overcome. It has become a staple of many pre-game sporting event rituals. Stating it repetitively, and in a cresendo fashion, in theory becomes sort of a bonding agent leading up to the battle. The key word in this phrase that has caught my attention, is the word
protect. Protection is one of the most basic human needs that we have. We go to great lengths to
protect our families. We do the obvious by building homes to
protect us from the elements. We research data to determine the safest neighborhoods in which to build or purchase those homes. We want reputable neighbors to
protect our children from bad influences. Consumer Reports is a staple for generation X as a resource for buying the safest car in which to drive. We carry umbrellas, sunscreen, lip balm, gloves, sunglasses. We have passwords for our computers and pin numbers for our debit cards; all for the sake of
protection. And they are good, necessary measures for sure. The thing that got me concerned about my thought process with regard to
protecting and being
protected was this; I was becoming consumed with putting my own safety nets in place and forgetting who the
Great Protector was.
Protection, I realized, is available to me if I am faithful enough to trust that God will certainly
protect me, regardless of the need. David had many struggles as he records in the book of Psalms; but he knew where his source of protection came from. "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." 16:1. "O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me." 7:1. (and my favorite) "But you are a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head." 3:3. I pray that I have the faith of David going forward, and realize it is God, who indeed is the only one capable of
"Protecting our house."
The Agasi Legacy
I'm trying to go the bed but Andre won't let me. He keeps returning shots, blistering forehand winners, and continues to puzzel Pavel. He won 5 straight games in the 3rd set after being down 4-0 and won it to go up 2-1 in the match. He doesn't quit. As they play on the east coast, its after midnight. I'm exhausted and he's just getting warmed up. Agasi, in his late 30's, is going to retire after the Open, but at times he looks like he is in his prime. I remember the days when Agasi wore locks to his shoulders and ran around the court like a bumble bee. He was a little cockier then and could back it up with cat-quick skills.. He has mellowed somewhat later in life, but his play tonight doesn't display that. I don't know if I can stay up much longer tonight Andre. Good luck and I hope to find out in the morning on ESPN that you advanced to the second round. New York and American tennis fans are not quite ready for your living legacy to expire just yet.
Flag Football
Its been over 25 years but I'm taking the field again Monday nite on behalf of United Way. Back in the day I was a decent intramural athlete and have the letter jacket from Harding to prove it. One of our banker boys came up with the idea of our bank, First Community Bank, taking on the suits over at Citizens Bank, in a game of flag football on behalf of charity. My first thought was, "Who would pay to come see US play?" Then it hit me; lots of people would pay to come see a bunch of has-beens make fools of themselves! Well its all for fun and I do a really good job of being foolish so I embrace the challenge. I have a few trick plays up my sleeve that I may unveil if the game is on the line. Mainly flag football is all about mis-direction and pulling flags. Slippery ball-carriers who learn the art of spinning are difficult to pull even by the quick handed defenders. So come Monday, I'll make the transition from armchair quarterback to corporate quarterback, strap on the cleats, warm up the hamstrings, and try not to pull a groin! Results of the game and highlights to follow in a later blog.......
Tiger almost pulled off the impossible friday,(isn't everything he does impossible?), by pushing an errant fairway shot over the gallery onto a warehouse building. I love Tiger but I love to see a pro hit one of my shots. Tiger takes a drop and pitches onto the green for a par putt attempt which barely lipped out. In my world, making this putt gives me a 9 for the hole. He's not one of us!Eight(8) days till the Hogs take on the trojans of USC. I can hardly wait. They thrashed us 70-17 last year so we got a shot at redemption. Gus Malzhan, fresh off the sidelines of Springdale Highschool, is making his offensive coordinator debut along with 3 or 4 of his players. I will be worthless this week at work in anticipation of the kickoff. College football and basketball are my favorite sports and I love the atmosphere surrounding a college athletic event. Best of luck to all your favorite teams next weekend as the gridiron gets rolling again. Whoopigsooie, Razorbacks!
Bloggerly Challenged

Well I was able to finally install my pic on my profile but I can't figure out how to move it to the "About Me" area. I just want to be like everybody else. I'm a sponge right now so let me soak up your vast technical knowledge. All assistance is appreciated. While you are contributing, you can enjoy some pics of my kids. Stephen above^
< My daughter Laura and her huband of 9 months, Adam.
And below, Jenny, Laura, and Stephen at Laura's wedding last
November. I'm not real good at all this right now but I'm having fun
doing it.
Casting Crowns
I know of no other contemporary christian music group that has impacted me more than Casting Crowns has for the last 3 years. My oldest daughter, Jennifer, introduced them to me and I have been hooked ever since. Two weeks ago I took my two daughters, Jenny and Laura and Laura's husband Adam to Jonesboro for a C.C. concert on the campus of ASU. Well, as it turns out, there was no concert. A concert is where a music group plays for a group of admirers for 90 minutes or so and says goodbye. Sometimes they come back for a two-song encore. No, this was not a concert. It was 2 1/2 hours of pure worship and fellowship. Every song they sang was pre-empted by a heart warming story of the inspiration behind the words of each song. Those in attendance were both young and old and the fellowship was awesome. I saw several people from Searcy in our section from all different churches. Hands were joined and held high as we crossed "party lines" and rocked the roof singing together. (and they sound just like the CD's even though they are live!) Their message to the masses is pure and simple; Jesus loves you, he died for you, and he's coming back for you. They paused once for several minutes and did a friday nite version of our "church invitation" and asked us all who were struggling with whatever sins we deal with to turn them over to Jesus. At intermission, Mark Hall, the lead singer, asked for all youth directors in the building to meet him on stage for a few minutes so he could pray with them and challenge them to even greater works in the kingdom as they work with youth. What a great ministry they are are involved in. Using the gift of song to encourage. We all have talents that could be used to further the kingdom but oftentimes keep them under wrap for some reason. I challenge you and myself to find your talent(s) and share them. If you don't already own a C.C cd, get one today. It'll bless ya.
Birth Certificate Please!

Have you seen the newest little leaguer coming out of Saudi Arabia? George Steinbrenner is slobbering as we speak. I'm sure Phil Knight has him on speed dial. I'm pretty sure he helped build my house. He was a heavy equipment operator and didn't need a backhoe to move anything. Has "Clear" made it to the Mid East? I just can't imaging a kid this large being only 12 years old. His mom should get a trophy or something. He's listed as a first baseman and left fielder but put him on the mound coach; he's bigger than Randy Johnson all things considered! I understand that baseball scouts are now scheduling trips to Dubai for further investigations; and for Aarons cousins.
Aaron Durley
Arabian American Little LeagueDhahran, Saudi Arabia
Aaron Durley
Height: 6' 5''
Weight: 226 lbs
DOB: - ? Position:1B, LF Age:12 Bats:R Throws:R Jersey 24
Summer Thoughts
I like the weather and all, except for the high humidity and 100 degree temps, but I enjoy cooler times. I'm not a huge baseball fan, although I always catch the Cardinal boxscore, so during the summer I experience sports withdrawals to a degree. I love college football, any level, expecially the Hogs and the Harding Bisons. I usually attend 2-3 Hog games a season and was in Little Rock sitting in Hog Heaven when they beat LSU in the "Miracle on Markham" a coupld of years ago. I can't read enough about pre-season practices. This draw I have for my "teams" stems from my impressional years growing up on the country off of Highway 1 in Wynne, Arkansas and sitting with my mom and watching the few Razorback games that were broadcast on one of the 3 available television channels during that era. There was only NBC, ABC, and CBS. I remember Keith Jackson and Kurt Gowdy doing the play by play for the big games against the Texas teams. I would go outside during halftime and re-enact the highlites in my fantasy football yard. A crisp autumn day with the smell of cotton bowels in the field behind our house was the backdrop for my re-enactment. Mom would be the QB and toss me a less than perfect spiral which I always caught for a touchdown. Mom was my biggest cheerleader and a huge Razorback fan. I think I grew to like the Hogs because she liked them so much and I certainly loved her.
The Ark-USC game is 12 days away and excitement is in the air. We don't need bulletin board material to get fired up for this one; last year's shellacking is still fresh on our minds. This years game will be much different and I can't wait till kickoff. I can almost smell the cotton bowels. Love ya, Mom