The marketing slogan, "
We Must Protect This House," was made famous by the popular TV commercials of athletic garment manufacturer Under Armor. Its catchy rhythmatic jingle, coupled with a dynamic mission statement rivals nothing short of any number of military

commercials, aimed at inspiring all takers to unify and overcome. It has become a staple of many pre-game sporting event rituals. Stating it repetitively, and in a cresendo fashion, in theory becomes sort of a bonding agent leading up to the battle. The key word in this phrase that has caught my attention, is the word
protect. Protection is one of the most basic human needs that we have. We go to great lengths to
protect our families. We do the obvious by building homes to
protect us from the elements. We research data to determine the safest neighborhoods in which to build or purchase those homes. We want reputable neighbors to
protect our children from bad influences. Consumer Reports is a staple for generation X as a resource for buying the safest car in which to drive. We carry umbrellas, sunscreen, lip balm, gloves, sunglasses. We have passwords for our computers and pin numbers for our debit cards; all for the sake of
protection. And they are good, necessary measures for sure. The thing that got me concerned about my thought process with regard to
protecting and being
protected was this; I was becoming consumed with putting my own safety nets in place and forgetting who the
Great Protector was.
Protection, I realized, is available to me if I am faithful enough to trust that God will certainly
protect me, regardless of the need. David had many struggles as he records in the book of Psalms; but he knew where his source of protection came from. "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." 16:1. "O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me." 7:1. (and my favorite) "But you are a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head." 3:3. I pray that I have the faith of David going forward, and realize it is God, who indeed is the only one capable of
"Protecting our house."