Friday, August 25, 2006
  Flag Football

Its been over 25 years but I'm taking the field again Monday nite on behalf of United Way. Back in the day I was a decent intramural athlete and have the letter jacket from Harding to prove it. One of our banker boys came up with the idea of our bank, First Community Bank, taking on the suits over at Citizens Bank, in a game of flag football on behalf of charity. My first thought was, "Who would pay to come see US play?" Then it hit me; lots of people would pay to come see a bunch of has-beens make fools of themselves! Well its all for fun and I do a really good job of being foolish so I embrace the challenge. I have a few trick plays up my sleeve that I may unveil if the game is on the line. Mainly flag football is all about mis-direction and pulling flags. Slippery ball-carriers who learn the art of spinning are difficult to pull even by the quick handed defenders. So come Monday, I'll make the transition from armchair quarterback to corporate quarterback, strap on the cleats, warm up the hamstrings, and try not to pull a groin! Results of the game and highlights to follow in a later blog.......

Tiger almost pulled off the impossible friday,(isn't everything he does impossible?), by pushing an errant fairway shot over the gallery onto a warehouse building. I love Tiger but I love to see a pro hit one of my shots. Tiger takes a drop and pitches onto the green for a par putt attempt which barely lipped out. In my world, making this putt gives me a 9 for the hole. He's not one of us!

Eight(8) days till the Hogs take on the trojans of USC. I can hardly wait. They thrashed us 70-17 last year so we got a shot at redemption. Gus Malzhan, fresh off the sidelines of Springdale Highschool, is making his offensive coordinator debut along with 3 or 4 of his players. I will be worthless this week at work in anticipation of the kickoff. College football and basketball are my favorite sports and I love the atmosphere surrounding a college athletic event. Best of luck to all your favorite teams next weekend as the gridiron gets rolling again. Whoopigsooie, Razorbacks!
What EVER it cost, I'll pay to see that flag football game. Get out the Ben-gay. Can we say that product name anymore? :)
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