Thursday, August 24, 2006
  Casting Crowns
I know of no other contemporary christian music group that has impacted me more than Casting Crowns has for the last 3 years. My oldest daughter, Jennifer, introduced them to me and I have been hooked ever since. Two weeks ago I took my two daughters, Jenny and Laura and Laura's husband Adam to Jonesboro for a C.C. concert on the campus of ASU. Well, as it turns out, there was no concert. A concert is where a music group plays for a group of admirers for 90 minutes or so and says goodbye. Sometimes they come back for a two-song encore. No, this was not a concert. It was 2 1/2 hours of pure worship and fellowship. Every song they sang was pre-empted by a heart warming story of the inspiration behind the words of each song. Those in attendance were both young and old and the fellowship was awesome. I saw several people from Searcy in our section from all different churches. Hands were joined and held high as we crossed "party lines" and rocked the roof singing together. (and they sound just like the CD's even though they are live!) Their message to the masses is pure and simple; Jesus loves you, he died for you, and he's coming back for you. They paused once for several minutes and did a friday nite version of our "church invitation" and asked us all who were struggling with whatever sins we deal with to turn them over to Jesus. At intermission, Mark Hall, the lead singer, asked for all youth directors in the building to meet him on stage for a few minutes so he could pray with them and challenge them to even greater works in the kingdom as they work with youth. What a great ministry they are are involved in. Using the gift of song to encourage. We all have talents that could be used to further the kingdom but oftentimes keep them under wrap for some reason. I challenge you and myself to find your talent(s) and share them. If you don't already own a C.C cd, get one today. It'll bless ya.
I dated Mark Hall for years in college.

Ok, not that Mark Hall but he is involved in the music business...
I believe your pedigree is fine without the need to mention ALL the famous people you know. "for years" kinda sounds like a loooong time. Was it "four years" or for yeeeeaaaarss?
Take me to the next contemporary Christian concert you go to, please!


CASTING CROWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are my favorite Christian band for the last three years too. you're lucky to live where you do, it's rare for Christian groups to come out here to So Cal. It really bums me out. I would love to see them!!!! Sounds like an incredible evening for you and your family.

I want to go next time! I'd fly east to see a good concert!
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