Wednesday, May 18, 2005
  The Duke Open
I have one more year with my son in high school. His last test was today and he was off to the golf course to work on his game. Stephen and I share the same interests in sports. We watch the Hogs together, play pitch in the backyard at least 4 times a week(and he doesn't even play baseball), and we golf together. Basically, he golfs and I hack. I go, not because I really enjoy hitting a 200 yard drive, but because I love to watch him play. I started taking him to the course when he was about 6 or so. He would hit about 20 or so times per hole with the shortened clubs we got for him. Every now and then he would get a hold of one and send it 50-75 yards and his eyes would light up. At the time, I was working on my game and he was just tagging along spending "quality time with dad." A few years later at about age 12, Stephen began to watch the Golf Channel religiously. He would listen to the instruction and then go to the course and mimic what he saw. He was self-taught. He became very consistent with his game. Drives were down the middle, chips were around the pin, and putts were dropping more often; as was his score. He would come in from school in the evenings and jump on the cart and hook up with some retiree for a few holes nearly every afternoon. He was developing relationships with some the regulars and they were always glad to welcome him into their fold for a round of golf. Aside from golf, I was most proud one evening when I recieved a call from an older gentleman that I didn't know who wanted to tell me what a polite son I have. He went on and on about his manners and etiquitte on the course. I couldn't have been prouder if he had won the River Oaks Junior Tournament, which he did 3 out of 4 years. He also went on to win the Searcy Country Club Junior tournament for the last 3 years. He won the golf award during his freshman and sophomore year in high school at Harding Academy, finishing second in the district both years.
Ok enough bragging about by son's golf game.
We have been involving him with the Arkansas Junior Golf Association since he was 12 and he has played tournaments all over the state. Most are 2 day tournaments and he hasn't been able to put 2 consistent rounds together. At the Greater Little Rock Junior Open a few weeks ago, he shot an 86 on day one and followed it up with a 70 on Sunday. A 16 stroke turnaround. He had a meltdown on the first hole when he lost a ball and took a 10 on the second hole when he couldn't get out of the woods. I hurt for him, terribly. I was witnessing his struggle and I couldn't do a thing about it. I was helpless. Golf is an individual game; just you on an island; no team. As a junior, you carry your own clubs, no caddy, no talking to parents or a swing coach for advice during the round. No mulligans. Many penalties for getting off the fairway. Many challenges. Its a game where your maturity is exposed; either good or bad. Its humbling. Its rewarding. Its nervewracking. Its hard. Its fun. Golf is life. One good hole, one bad hole. Growing pains.
In 3 weeks we leave for Durham, North Carolina where he will be playing in the Calloway PGA Junior Series at the Duke Golf Course. Its the most glamorous tournament he's ever been in. There are 84 16-17 year olds from 30 states and Canada and Austrailia competing. Its big-time. Its the course where the Dukies play. Both the mens and womens teams won the ACC title this season. We have our airline tickets bought, hotel reservations, and a rental car waiting for us. This is our Masters Tournament, our British Open, our PGA championship. If he is more nervous than I am, he's not showing it. I've been thinking about all the holes we have played together. All the thrown clubs, hugs, arguments, questions, smiles, tears, discussions. We talk about life on the back 9. Sometimes he would even share a teenage boy feeling with me; but not very often. I will always cherish these memories. If he never wins a tournament, it won't change how special Stephen is to me. I love him unconditionally. I tell him that. I want him to love that way. I hope he plays good. I hope he has fun. I hope he wins. I will smile either way, cause he's my son on the end of that driver.
  The Duke Open

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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

I'm just an average joe, a faithful believer, a forgiven child of God.

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