Bluer Than Blue

Is it just me, or does anybody else on the planet , besides diehard Idaho football fans, like the
blue Astro Play turf at Bronco Stadium ? Its the only
blue turf in the world. I'll go out on a limb......I don't think they will have to worry about anyone imulating them anytime soon! I wonder what recruits think when they see it for the first time? (except for the
blue-chippers from Idaho high schools that have grown up seeing it) "Wow, what a pool. Where's the diving board?" In my opinion, the best the field ever looks is when its covered in snow; which happens a lot late in the season. I mean, football fields ought to be green. Grass stain green. Like the sandlots we grew up playing on. The
blue field looks surreal. Like an extreme video game. The old school guys of the 50's and 60's wouldn't have played on it. They would have insisted on playing on gravel rather than
blue turf. I wonder who signed off on the choice of blue at the design committee meeting? I'm sure the suit with the thickest pocketbook. Or maybe they had a contest to submit field designs and the head of the art department won. He wanted to embody the essence of an Idaho sky reflecting its calming effect on future soldiers in this game we call football. Gag a maggott. It makes a good backdrop for a powder puff game, I'll give it that. Boise State boosters, enjoy your
baby blue field. You have no fear of being copied any time soon. And pray for snow.