Monday, June 18, 2007
Even though I was not physically with my kiddos this Fathers Day, I got calls from every one of them wishing me a happy Dad's day and telling me they love me. Cards are nice and all, but to hear their voices is like the commercial says...priceless. The greatest gift I recieved from my children yesterday was the assurance of their walk with the Lord. I was reminded of it from the sermon I heard yesterday which came from III John verse 4... "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." Jenny, Laura, and Stephen...I love you, I am proud of you all, and I continue to pray for you. You make me very happy.
You seem like a good daddy. Not as good as mine, but good nonetheless (and so on and so forth and what have you and whatnot and...)
I'm going out on a limb and guessing your daddy probably earned his stripes raising you...I could be wrong. In my case, good kids trump my parenting skills. I winged it a lot.
It is amazing how kids turn out as good as they do with us rookie parents on the loose. But you are right...nothing makes you prouder than knowing they are seeking God.
Good kids don't just happen. They had a good momma and daddy. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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