Sunday, February 04, 2007
  The UN-known
Have you cringed when witnessing the latest marketing tool that movie makers and some book companies are resorting to when pitching their products? It goes like this. "Coming out on DVD next week, The Return of Chuckie V, the directors UN-cut, Un-censored, and UN-rated version." This is a "no holds barred" effort to tweak our dark side and temp us into watching something that should otherwise throw up all sorts of red flags; at least for moral minded christian folk. First of all, isn't the regular "R" rated version of most horror flicks and the like, where blood flows like water, and guts and innards are spilled like hot soup, not enough to make us vomit? How much more gory and stimulating would the uncut, uncensored, unrated version of that be? I mean, once you've seen a decapitation in living color on the regular film, what's there to be added that would make us delight in it even more? I watched the movie "SAW" with my son-n-law last year and even though the creativity of the sicko was intriguing, I have no desire to see SAW II and now SAW III or the un-cut directors take of that movie. I like to sleep at night with my eyes shut. What's scary about this technique is that it works, and we need to guard ourselves from the temptation to fall under the spell of getting an "insiders look" at something never before seen; especially when it involves movies we really shouldn't be watching frequently that contain themes such as violence, nudity, profane language,...you know the drill. For some reason, we get an adrenalin rush when faced with the possibility of doing something even slightly "over the top." Movie makers and promoters know this and attack this weakness we have. I suggest we try to remind ourselves that if it is marketed with an UN-something on the box then its most likely UN-suitable for viewing. Don't fall into this dangerous trap of the UN-known. God discloses the dangers of traps like this all through His Word. The temptation won't go away so sharpen your sword and make ready the armor for your family and battle this UN-acceptable practice of movie marketing mayhem. I have some new adjectives I may forward to Hollywood to see if they'll consider them for their next racy flick campaign...words like UN-healthy, UN-fit, UN-settling. I'm guessing they won't be taking them under advisement.
I totally agree. Movies like that rot your soul.
Dennis the Minister said that he put his Bible on the TV to keep him from watching movies he shouldn't watch. He wasn't talking about horror movies though. I just don't want that scary stuff in my head.

I guess it's the same as X-treme sports... we have to go over the top with everything.

(But, don't blame Marketing if you watch that stuff - you're a big boy) :)
No temptation for me here... no need to pass out watching TV or a movie...
"The Munsters" is about all I can handle in the "Horror" department.
Not a temptation in the least.


Hey Keith...thanks for visiting me and commenting.

This post is just scary...a very sad reality these days of our decaying moral fabric. I am all for your adjectives for the movie industry.
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