Monday, January 22, 2007
  quirk (kwûrk) An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event
We all got 'em. Some quirkier than others. Some of mine surfaced the last few weeks and you know you have 'em when you start wondering if your actions are only specific to you. Its true confession time. Feel free to show your cards as well.
1. When purchasing a newspaper from a coin stand I NEVER take the top copy; I usually scurry down 3 or 4 as if its a more complete publication than the top one.
2. I bleed the watery substance off the top of the mustard container before applying a coil shaped pattern of mustard to the top of a freshly grilled burger patty.
3. The smallest piece of litter on the carpet bugs me to no end and I must pick it up and dispose of it properly. Ladies at work occasionally "plant" hole punch knock-outs to see how long it takes for me to pick them up. And believe it or not, I'm not a clean freak.
4. My alarm is set for 6:00 a.m. but I rarely get out of bed before 7:30. Snooze intervals are 11 minutes apart and I savor all 8.2 of them.
5. I typically sing along with the radio, at the top of my lungs if its a favorite, and if I get 6 out of 10 words correct that make up a lyrics line, its a good day. My kids hammer me mercilessly for this one.
6. Does Wal-Mart not train their clerks how to count back change and distribute it properly to its patrons? With my hands already carrying keys and refolding my wallet I recieve in this order, placed neatly on my palm, the reciept, the bills and the remaining change all at once. This immediately has to be resorted because they all three go in different compartments. How about this Waltonites...give the customer their reciept while thanking them for their business and allowing them time to put it in its proper place. Then count the coins to them up to the nearest dollar, also allowing time for them to dispose of them in their proper pouch, and then finish with the folding paper to close the deal. Maybe this is protocol at Wally World but its a quirk of mine. So am I being a jerk or is this a legitimate quirk?
You have some pretty fun quirks! How funny about the ladies at work planting little hole punches!!! That cracked me up.

I share your singing in the car quirk but I only do it when I am completely alone and usually no most of the lyrics cause THAT is another one of my quirks (lyrics freak).

I share your Walmart concern and thing its a justified and legitimate quirk! Don't get me started about Walmart, I have some stories!!

Maybe you could just use your debit card at Wal-Mart. Then all you get is the receipt - you slip it in a bag and you're outta there.

You use an alarm? Weird.

I just shake the mustard bottle then it doesn't have the gross stuff.

I can't argue with the lyrics thing. I'm just happy when I get them right at church and I'm reading them from the "paperless hymnal".
WalMart is not as bad as fast food places...cup, straw, food change and look at you impatientely if you can't take it as fast as they throw it out the window.

I can totally ignore stuff in the floor, but my husband is much like you...maybe I torture him a little....

I will turn my head to one side when I am really concentrating on something on TV...I am not sure if I have a good ear or what...but sometimes I find myself doing it on the computer too, so I think it is just a quirk!
Well, I can see this is a chick's blog, but I will bust up the sequence and give a man's opinion.

Your last quirk sucks. The way they do it is the MOST EXPEDIENT, and that is ALL that matters to us men. If they did it individually, I would be behind you getting mad cause you were holding up the line. Get with the program, Mr. Estrogen.

As for my quirks, I've been known to get mildly upset if someone parks over the yellow line. No biggie though. :)

And slow drivers, well.......let's just say I have to watch my tongue during those moments.

Nobody is quirk free, are they?

What can I say? Chicks dig me. By the way...did you ever settle with the parapalygic that you knocked unconscious over beating you to that handicap space at Porters Liquor?
I don't read the paper. That's just something else I'll eventually have to pick up off the floor.

Where do you bleed the mustard juice? I shake it up so it isn't all juicy.

Don't care much about paper on the carpet. I have two preschoolers. There is all kinds of junk on my floor.

I CAN'T STAND THE ALARM GOING OFF MORE THAN TWICE! My husband does that junk, and it drives me nuts. Why would I want to be interrupted every eleven minutes during the last hour and a half of my night's sleep?

I'm very good with lyrics and I sing them proudly in my car. I have the quirk of being able to remember really useless details like all of the words to "Love Shack" by the B52's.

I hate Wal-Mart, but it is a necessary evil in my life. I didn't hate it before I had kids. Now it is torture to take them in there.

The sheets and blanket on my bed must be straight! I cannot tolerate uneven, twisted, or lumpy bedding. This only applies to when I am actually in the bed. I couldn't care less about making the bed when I'm not in it.
Well written article.
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