Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A good friend of mine, who is also an excellent golfer, coined a phrase that several of us repeat when we play golf scrambles during the summer. The phrase is "All For Team." We may repeat it 30-40 times during a round and usually after one of the four shanks a ball into the woods, or hits one into orbit. (a large percentage of the times that shanker is me) The good thing about a scramble in golf is that the foursome is not dependent on one particular "ringer" to score lower. All four contribute and you play the best ball after each shot. One person doesn't generally have to carry the team. I'm not a long driver, a consistent putter, or particularly good around the greens...so what am I doing on the team? Well I'm a banker and we support every tournament that comes along by paying the entry fee so I put the team together; that way I get to play...the only way I get to play. Anyway, the phrase "All For Team" is expressed aloud to encourage each other when one hits a bad shot and when one hits a good shot. We do well as a team and we struggle as a team. No leader, no follower, just a band of brothers. "All For Team" keeps us humble when one of us connects on a John Daly drive, and "All For Team" lifts our spirits when the ball makes a "splash." Isn't this what Jesus had in mind for his brothers and sisters when he establised the church? When one rejoices, we all rejoice. When one struggles, we are there to pick them up. We are accountable to each other and no one ourshines the other. We are equal in the kingdom. I love golf scrambles because I would never win a flight without my team mates. I love church because we approach the throne of grace as equals. Thank you Ragsdale for the phrase "All For Team." Thank you Jesus for this safe haven of peace and band of believers you provided for us known as church. "All For Team."
good thoughts...

but perhaps you could work with that pitching wedge...my favorite club in the bag...
Two are better than one...and I suppose four are a lot better than one! The strength of having some buddies around you is awesome. I think you are right about how Christ intended that for our spiritual life too.
A scamble is a great way for girls to be just as good as the boys and realize that a lot of times, the boys aren't all that good either.

Kinda like getting to know church people better.
I've been blessed to be one of those team members on more than one occasion. Keith is a better golfer than he is letting on. But like him, I am thankful for Coach Rags "All for Team" phrase. We are all in THIS together.....no matter what the "THIS" is. I couldn't make it by myself, I can promise you that. We were made for community. And we call that community "the church". All believers!

All for team!
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