Friday, October 27, 2006
  Weak In Review
Yes, I suppose it is a play on words, but it makes sense doesn't it. We who are "weak and heavy laden" are constantly being reviewed by our Creator through His loving eyes. God is not a critic though; He's our biggest fan, cheering us home as we round the preverbial bases of our lives. Along the way we will get tripped up, thrown out, get caught in a rundown, and occasionally move forward by hustling and sliding in safe while avoiding trouble.(Can you tell I'm watching the Cardinals in game 5 while I post?) Honestly, my life should be broken down into daily phases of self-evaluation, constantly searching for ways to improve my walk. Your comments and encouragement are invaluable in this journey of mine. Thanks. Here are a few ramblings which happened in my world this week...
The First Big Job
My oldest daughter, Jennifer went through a rigorous 3 week interview process and was hired by Edward Jones as an investment representative this week. They will set her up in an office in Houston, complete with a laptop, furniture, a part-time assistant, and an OPEN FOR BUSINESS sign. She is extremely excited about this new phase of her life and I have no doubt she will set the woods on fire. She put herself through Harding selling cars, knives, advertising, managing a steakhouse, and car-hopping at Sonic. She could sell ice to an Eskimo and I've told her that Pharoah would have freed the Isralites after plague number 3, had she been the negotiator. (Its a joke-so don't go reporting this to the elders) I love you, Jenny. Find some good stocks for me.
House For Sale
I have had my house on the market for several months and everyone says they love it, but no offers yet. It is a 2-story country style with 4BR upstairs and a large great room and kit/dining down. The kicker is that everyone wants a downstairs bedroom. Well, I'm not going to add that so I just have to wait for that certain couple that finds it has everything they want. Someone is coming Sunday afternoon for a second visit. Keep you fingers crossed for me. Looking to downsize and minimize.
Cardinals Win The World Series
Tony LaRussa and his Cardinals just won the 2006 World Series, by defeating the error riddled Detroit Tigers in game 5, with Wainwright closing out the side. They did it with their stars like Pujols and Edmonds playing well below their potential. Key project players like Weaver, Molina, and Bulliard and the most underrated shortstop in the league, David Eckstein, stepped up and etched their place in baseball anals. Eckstein, the smallest player on the field, was awarded the MVP. First title since 1982 for the Cardinals, and their 10th title in baseball history. St. Louis is the greatest baseball city in the world. Yea, that's right New York. They support their team like no other. Congratulations Redbirds.
The Hogs play The University of Louisiana Monroe tomorrow in Little Rock. I'll be there in Hog Heaven, literally. I am going with my good buddy Jim and some friends and we have tickets in a skybox on the 50 yardline. Banking has its priviledges. Hogs will win by 35 and I'm not gonna predict a score this week. My wish is that we play well and nobody gets hurt. Our stretch run begins in November with games at South Carolina and Mississippi State and at home against Tennessee and LSU. I am going to predict we finish 10-2 and play Florida in the SEC championship game December 2. My christmas wish...Please Coach Broyles-do whatever it takes to keep Gus Malzhan in HOG attire for the coming years. He will be a hot commodity after this season and we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet.
Have fun! I don't think I'll be going to a football game at all this season. I could go to the NCAA II Championship game in Florence - maybe I'll just go to a high school game around here.
Go CARDS!!! That was an awesome World Series.

Good luck with the sale of the house and the Hogs 35 point victory there today!
Please give my love and best wishes to Jen and keep us posted. Ryan's in Searcy this weekend and will prob be at late service at DT but he's usually quite late.

We so need to downsize too. When I mention it the kids shreeeeeek, "Not our house." But the fact is that it is too big, too empty and too hard to keep up with. Good luck on yours. I am hoping that in the next year or so we'll be ready to do the same. Right now, we must re roof, recarpet, and repaint before would want to look. AAAAGHHHHHHHH.
Way to go Jennifer! You can blog hot stock picks....

hope you went "hog-wild" at the game!
Congrats to my Jenny! You have 3 great kids.

Congrats to the Hogs. It's time to find out if they are the real deal.

GO CARDS! UNBELIEVABLE! Belliard might take offense to your not knowing how to spell his name.

The house is GONNA sell. No doubt about it.

Congrats to your daughter! Salespeople have unique gifts... way to go!
I hear you on the house. We've only had ours up for about 5 weeks, but I'm already anxious. Almost had an offer last night, but lost out to another house.

I think USC is the key game. If they win this week, I think they'll get one of the other two tough games (LSU, TN). If not, I think they'll need Alabama to beat Auburn - which I think will happen anyway. I'm already assuming TN will beat LSU and give them 3 losses. It would be much nicer, of course, to win out...
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