Friday, October 20, 2006
  Slumps and Streaks

In baseball terms, I've been in a slump this week in terms of blogging. Nothing much going on upstairs; at least that I feel like sharing with my electronic community. What causes slumps? In baseball, its a question that has confounded even college professors and researchers. Southern Cross University in Austrailia did a qualitative research test to determine the affect that slumps have on baseball hitters and how they cope with the anxiety associated with the lack of productivity. I went into a funk just reading about it. Johnny Bench said that slumps are like "sleeping in a soft bed; easy to get into and hard to get out of." Slumps are no respector or persons. They affect everyone. They can last for a short time or weeks at a time. How they latch onto us and how we can break the jinx is the million dollar question. No one knows. In baseball, players have been known to entertain changes in rituals to combat the slump. The smelly, rigid socks that have been worn for 10 consecutive days during a streak are now tossed aside when a slump is recognized in hopes that a change in uniform will in some way change his luck at the plate. The pivotal point in my slump ending this week came in the form of a long drive with a friend for lunch. I didn't have to tell him I was in one; he knew. Our remedy started with a Don McLaughlin CD from Pepperdine and some encouraging words from my buddy as we traveled to a hole in the wall diner in a neighboring town. We passed the time by gleaming from Don's wisdom on the ride there and back. As a baseball player starts a new streak with one swing of the bat, I began feeling better as I was reminded of the love of a Savior who stands beside me during both slumps and streaks. I also got some "tough love" from a blogger friend. What do you do to snap out of your slump? What measures do you take to get the streak going again in your life? This post is just one hit for me, but just maybe it will be the start of a streak. I know one thing; I'm gonna keep swinging the bat.
When bloggers hit a slump they generally resort to writing about baseball......

I understand the "fall funk" I get it every year to some degree....being a woman and all, I just tend to talk about it more!

Glad you are swinging your way out!
My mother always told me to "Stop slumping"!

Oh you meant... Oh - yeah, I get it now!

As a hog, I guess you'd know about slumps.
In sports it is all about believing the possible and going out there with the attitude that today is the day. In life we need hope to tell us that today will be good. God's blessing will be real today. I get in a funk when I lose hope or a dream dies. It is believing that it COULD happen that actually gives me the motivation to get out there and try to make it happen.
Donnie is good for what ale's you, huh? Actually, it's God working thru Donnie and other friends that keep us going. I couldn't make it without you and so many others than encourage me on a DAILY basis.

This walk of ours was meant to be made in community, and I believe it was because of the very thing you posted about today. We can't make it on our own.

A good blog post would be to ask how many songs have been written about the concept of "Friends" or "Friendship". It would be interesting.

You've Got a Friend,
That's What Friends Are For - Stevie Wonder
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