Monday, October 23, 2006

Typically, our search for satisfying basic human needs begins when we are "running on empty." When our bellys are growling we begin looking for food. When the cupboards are bare, we trek to Wal-mart, at 6:00 am if you want to beat the crowds, and fill a grocery cart. When the gas guage light comes on we search for a filling station. (I realize gas is not a basic human need but stay with me) When we are filled to capacity, as in the afore-mentioned categories, we become content and maybe complacent-at least short term. I said all that to say this; I don't search until I'm needy. In my spiritual life this holds true as well. I often don't search for truth or help until I am at a low point in my life-until I am empty. Why do I wait for a light to go off before I seek help? If I wait until the last minute, that displays a characteristic of desperation in me. That's not the kind of relationship Jesus wanted with me. In Matthew 5:6 Jesus says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for rightousness, for they shall be filled." He didn't say, "When you have no other options, look me up." I have selfishly struggled with this "emptying concept" lately. Its a lack of faith I'm sure. The hungering and thirsting that Jesus speaks of here is a matter of constantly seeking Him; not just when the lunch alarm goes off. He is like the gas station attendants of the 50's; nozzle in hand, waiting patiently to Fill Me Up. Full service is so much better than self-service.
Good points Keith. I too am often guilty of procrastinating "filling up" until the light is dinging and the danger of stopping all together looms on the horizon.

You know I can tell you the price of gas at almost every gas station in town....and yet having knowledge does not make my car full.....

In the same way knowledge without action...without a relationship will not fill my soul.
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Donna can attest to the fact that I don't like that waiting until the last minute to fill up! My daddy always said you run better on a full tank.

I'm just not getting the right fuel. I need high octane and I've been trying to get by on the cheap stuff.
Great analogy brother.....been there, done that. Hmm....maybe DOING that.

Tell Donna I said "Hoyt". :)
I'll also let you explain.

Keep em coming, Hog man.

Donna, do you always feel the need to REPEAT yourself to get your point across? I get it, OK! In our world this is known as a "hoyt." Will explain in detail when we see you and Terri at Pepperdine!
I also think I seek God when I'mm trying to really accomplish something, when I know I have to have God step in and help or I'll fall on my face.
I don't know how it posted twice...trust me, I didn't type it twice.

you still owe me an explanation!
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