Heart of a Servant
At Downtown church this weekend, the theme was that of servanthood and the local policemen, firemen, and EMT's were honored for their around-the-clock service to the community. David Matthews gave a great lesson on christian service and a video was played whith local members sharing stories of tragedies in their lives and how important the role of a first responder was to them. Oftentimes, relationships are spawned between the responder and those on the recieving end of help. Isn't that true when we decide to reach out to those in need? A neighbor who can't mow their yard because of a terminal illness. A family who just lost everything in a fire. An aging spouse who just lost his/her companion of 40 years. I want to become more aware of the fires of hurt around me and help to put them out. Take the time this week to thank a first responder and let them know how much you appreciate their choice of careers. I will sleep better tonight knowing someone has my back.