Celebrity Sighting

I returned from lunch and a familiar face appeared outside my office door. It was Howard Mix, a mentor of mine who gave me my first secular job out of college. Howard hired me to work flipping burgers at Andys Hamburgers and within a couple of months, worked me into management. I only stayed about a year and went into the lumber business for the next 15 years, blah, blah, blah. Howard and I are still friends and I am fortunate to bank him now. He comes in and introduces me to a friend of his from California who wants to talk about financing a small farm for him. After small talk, Howard excused himself and left me and Dave Olsen to get acquainted. We talked about his upcoming purchase and a couple of boring options. Then we came to the part of the conversation when I ask, "So Dave, what do you do for a living?" He responded with some impressive answers ranging from real estate development to consulting. Then in one unforgettable, matter of fact statement with Dave not changing his inflection he said, "and I also handle a few deals for my daughters; you may know them...Mary Kate & Ashley. I'm sure he witnessed my jaw drop to the desk as I stammered for just the right way to ask him, "Did you just say Mary Kate & Ashley?" My voice, on the other hand, had elevated a couple of octaves. He humbly responded yes without words and only by shaking his head up and down and grinning at me. "DUDE", you're their DAD, I was thinking to myself? My insides were shaking but I held my composure in the most professional banker stiffness manner possible as to not give away my adolescent excitement that the father of the richest actress kids on the planet was in my office to borrow money. We continued our visit and he couldn't have been more California laid back and relaxed. He gave me his cell phone number and we shook hands, closing the deal. This doesn't happen every day in Searcy, AR. so forgive my giddyness. If this banking gig gets too boring, I may give Dave a call and try to cash in on a favor as an extra in the Olsen twins next movie. Stay tuned.