Sunday, September 10, 2006
  Where Were You...

Alan Jackson asked us all to reflect and never forget the events of September 11, 2001 in these lyrics of his famous song, "Where were you when the world stopped turning, on that September day?" I will never forget where I was. It was 8:30 a.m. and we had set down around the boardroom table to begin a loan meeting at the bank. One of the board members came in a little late and apologized for doing so, visibly shaken. His first words were, "Have ya'll heard what's happening?" He went on to describe the sketchy horror with little details at that time. Everyone immediately lost focus of the trivial business at hand and we rushed through the meeting, anxious to find out more about the board members brief report. David, our community president, and I made a couple of excuses to the rest of the employees and bolted for his father's house, about a mile away to catch the news on TV. His dad called while we were in route and gave us a grueling update. We couldn't get to his home fast enough. As we entered his Dad's living room, the TV was turned up a little louder than normal, with CNN reporting the horrific scenes. Our country was under attack. One building had already been hit. We witnessed the second attack for ourselves or maybe just shortly after it happened. I called home to check on my wife. She was sad. I called my kids. They were OK. Many from New York couldn't say that about their families right then. I remember a huge knot of helplessness in my gut. Banking played second fiddle in all of our minds that morning, but I had an obligation in Little Rock that I couldn't miss and had to travel. As I listened to the radio on the way there, the reports continued to paint a dismal picture of the tragedy in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. Even though the attacks were hundreds of miles from Arkansas, I witnessed the early ripples of fear by seeing long lines at the gas pumps as rumors spread over those claiming responsibility coming from the oil rich middle east. Gas prices began rising at alarming rates, with some operators later having to return unfair profits due to price gouging. Panic. Fear. Helplessness. Although it was terrorism's finest hour on our soil, America joined hands almost immediately and dug through the rubble, exercising any racial, ethnic, or religious demons that had previously existed, showing the world that our states are indeed united. I love this land. I'll never forget that day. "Where were you when the world stopped turning......?"

When I turned on the TV this morning, that song was playing. The part about standing in line to give blood hits home. There were hundreds of people giving blood that we knew would have to be thrown away but it made people feel good. We bought pizza and served all day to those in line. Let's not forget
Tim Bruner had a TV in his office, and we were like zombies watching the events unfold. I remember being worried about my brother Bryan, as he was living in Washington DC at that time. Knowing he works for the FBI made things even worse. I remember looking forward to seeing Jan and the boys that day.....to make sure they were ok. I think for a little while, the world did stop turning. At least my world did.

I was in Paris, Tennesse with my newborn and two year old... trying to drive 5 hours back home while weeping the whole way... unable to listen to the radio for fear that the kids would immediately understand.

They saw the photos today and saw President Bush's sober (and wonderful) addres. When I tucked them into bed tonight, my daughter said, "I don't like 9-11."
I was in Disney World, supposed to fly home later that day. I was separated from my kids and dying to make it home to them.

The strangest thing was the absolute beauty of the day when the loud speakers at Disney came on and said the park was closing. Most people were clueless as to why.
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