Praise Passwords

I was on my way out of the office toward home when I stopped by Nikki's desk to just say hey. We chatted for a minute about how crazy the day had been and I started to leave. She was signing in to her computer to put in a little overtime when I overheard her saying her password softly as she typed it in. I said curiously, " Was that your password?" She had murmured the word "patience" and a few numbers to follow and logged in. I asked about the choice of words and she explained that she uses spiritual words as her passwords as a way of reminding her of who and whose she is. She went on to share some past words or phrases that had been used such as "love", "joy", "savior" and many others. I had scrambled, when prompted each month for a new word, to think of words associated with ME. Thinking inward again. Nikki used this trivial opportunity each day as a way to be reminded that no matter how crazy the day may be, God is still in control. Everytime she signed into her computer, (and that could be 8-10 times a day at the bank), she is reminded by her choice of passwords to be strong, to love more, and to set a good example to those she assists daily. Thanks, Nikki for being the rock, and the christian example you are to everyone who crosses your path. I just discovered a whole new source for future passwords. What a great way to help memorize scripture. My next password comes from the book of James.