Tuesday, September 12, 2006
  Lord, May I Be Excused?
Moses asked this request of I AM not once, not twice, but four different times Re-read the account in Exodus 3 & 4. Its very amusing and definitely hits home with me. I've given God more excuses for my lack of GOING than there were frogs in Egypt during Moses's visit. "Lord, if you'll just line up the planets just perfect today, I'll be in the best possible position to do your will." Hogwash. (best description of God's disapproval most closely related to theme of this blog) God doesn't accept my excuses now and he didn't accept Moses' excuses then. It went something like this...
I AM-"So now go. I am sending YOU."
Moses-"Who am I?"(excuse #1)
I AM-"I will be with you."(excuses should have came to an abrupt stop right there!)
Moses-(with a formidable comeback)"What do I say if they ask me who sent me?"(like he didn't know! and excuse #2)
I AM-(known for His comebacks!)"Tell them I AM who I AM."(period.)
Moses-(scrambling here, sweating profusely, wringing his hands, feet fidgeting, breathing somewhat irregular at this point)
I AM-(breaking the awkward silence due to Moses suddenly being at a loss for words)"Tell them the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has sent you to them."
Moses-(still suffering from a sudden case of lock jaw)
I AM-(continues revealing himself giving Moses time to come up with excuse #3)"I have a plan Moses. The elders of Israel will believe you when you tell them about me; Pharoah and the Egyptians will not. It's OK though. I got your back."
Moses-(still pulling at straws)"What if they don't believe me?"(excuse #3)
I AM-(prepared as always for another excuse)"Throw your staff down Moses. It immediately turns to a snake."Grab the end of the snake Moses." It immediately turns back to a staff." Ok Moses. Are you in or out?"(second miracle thrown in just to close the deal due to Moses lack of being impressed with miracle #1)"Put your hand in your cloak Moses." Moses now senses a weird feeling in his hand and pulls it out of his cloak witnessing what appears to be "instant leprousy." I AM reassuredly instructs Moses to tuck his hand back in his cloak and the look of panic on Moses face slowly disappears when he is instructed by I AM to look at it again only to notice that it is completely healed. Moses is convicted now....right?....wrong! Before Moses can admit his further doubts I AM tells Moses that he has a few more tricks up his sleeve to persuade the pharoah to concur with THE PLAN, once he arrives in Egypt.
Moses-(last ditch effort to argue his case)"Lord, you've heard me speak. I'm terrible and I stt,ttt,...stutter. I'll totally blow it. "(excuse #4)
I AM-(loosing his patience) "Moses, who made speech, vision, the ability to hear? I did. Now go. I'll help you. I'll teach you what to say, for Gods sake."(think about that one for a minute)
Moses-(shamelessly begging at this point)"Oh Lord. Please send someone else to do it."

You know the rest of the story. His brother accompanies him and they carry out I AM's plan. But as you can see, not without a fight. Don't make excuses to I AM. He has a lot of experience in that department. Save yourself the trouble and JUST GO. Like He did with Moses, He'll be our mouth, our ears, our eyes, if we allow him to. Learn from one of the most humorous dialog's in the old testament, in my opinion. Peace to you all.
or you could end up in the belly of a big fish!!! I guess I'd better go!
Best get with the program. God has a will and a way to make something of our lives. Even in the trauma of broken dreams God can take the ashes and broken pieces and make something beautiful come from it. Healing comes in the morning.
The funny thing is Moses included this story....I think he knew that we would be like him...full of excuses, maybe some of them quite valid.

I get great comfort from God telling us how much he loved Moses and David....two big screw ups....
SUPER DUPER post, my brother! We need more of these and less of Mitch-I-Have-Too-Much-Pressure-Mustain.

Have you ever heard Walling doing his impression of Moses with his speech problems?!?! It will CRACK you up! Nobody can match Jeff in doing skits.

Thanks again for the super post....and the reminder that I AM is not into excuses.

DU, If Walling recited Gore's report on Global Warming in spanish it would crack me up. That guy is great. I loved him at Pepperdine this year...(hear that Terri????? Pepperdine!!!))
There Will be more on the Hogs and Mustain though. Hopefully good news!
Thanks for everyones comments.
He's at Zoe, too! His Matthew is great!
D.U. and I went to PV CofC in Little Rock about a month ago to watch him do his "Matthew." Funny and sobering.
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