Wednesday, February 09, 2005
  Over My Dead Body
The young man who has been courting my middle child, Laura for the last year calls me at 10:00pm and asks if he can come talk to me. I had just walked in the door from a high school ball game and had the flu and was ready for bed but knew by his tone that I didn't need to reschedule this request. Hints of an upcoming wedding had been dropped around the house for the last couple of months and Cheryl and I couldn't be happier with Laura's choice. She had shared with me last summer that she "loved" him. She was happiest when she was with him. He treated her with respect and kindness. They prayed together every day. It was inevitable. But, was I ready for him to ask me for her hand? He had told me a few weeks earlier that he wanted to formally ask me for permission. I acted tough and all but I have to admit...I really like the guy. We play a lot of foosball when he comes over, we listen to Casting Crowns and FFH, we watch sports, he's a keeper. Well, he shows up within 5 minutes and nervously begins floundering around the topic. I kinda felt sorry for him. I intentionally bring up superficial stuff just to make him panic! Finally he gets to the meat of why he came and asks me if its OK that he marries my Laura. "Laura Riley?," I'm thinking. My best try at being a rough, tough, hardnosed dad just caves in. I said "yes" like it was a blur. I had dreamed about making him sweat, beg, rake leaves, and wash my car, but I really like the guy and I know Laura thinks he placed the planets in their orbit. My rehersed "Over my dead body" gave way to cooler heads. We ended up talking for nearly an hour about the future, what to expect, his weaknesses and Laura's strengths! No, I welcome him in and look forward to walking my princess down the aisle in 5 or 6 years!(I told him he could marry her...I didn't tell him WHEN!)
NOTE!At Adams request, this news is not to reach my wife, Cheryl's, ears before Laura tells her after their engagement in a few days. Bloggers Truce!
New Territory. Any Bloggers advice will fall on fertile soil concerning approaching this new experience.
AWESOME! That guy is breaking a LOT of hearts by stealing Laura. If I had been blessed with a daughter, I would have her to be just like your Laura. Adam ought to be singing "for somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good!" You know, from the classic "Sound of Music". DUH, yea I am cultured! :)

CONGRATS to you and everybody involved!
My Laura is just 8 ... we had Valentine's Day lunch with her school class and their guests today, and will have our annual "date" - the Father/Daughter Banquet at church - tomorrow evening. I don't even want to think about walking down the aisle with her yet!

You're gonna be a great dad-in-law.
Oh man -- Congratulations! So weird and exciting. Mine is 7, can't imagine. Praise God your daughter got a good one. (And I'm sure the guy got a jewel as well.)

found this blog through DU's...

Hang in there. My daughter is turning 24 this Saturday. I don't have any idea how I will feel when that day comes that someone asks for her hand. I hope I will be ready. Just be the father God has called you to be. That is all that is expected of you.
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