Tuesday, August 17, 2004
  My First Blog
During the summer, I read 2 Grisham books, The King of Torts and The Testament, and discovered how much I would enjoy writing. For those of you who don't know me, all 5 billion of you, I am not a reader and Dave will testify to that. I don't know of anyone, though ,who would pick up a Grisham and not become drawn into the story that he plays out with a pen. He is a fun author to read. I am now almost finished with The Summons and the reading just gets better. This blog will be my attempt to live out my newfound enjoyment of reading and writing. I enjoy thouroughly reading Copes blog and find it inspirational. Dave has a good blog as well and my focus is always better after going both places. If anyone stumbles across this blog of mine, drop a line of encouragement, share a sports thought, and experience, or a let-down. There is no agenda here. My hope is that in sharing with others of like experiences I will grow to love my God more and enjoy life a little more each day.

CONGRATS KEITH! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I am honored to be your first comment. Now if we can just get Dr. Charlie Carroll interested! :) There is only one rule.......discussions concerning the Razorbacks are NOT allowed! :) I enjoyed your first blog, but I am going to send you the bill for the paramedics. I fell out in the floor and had to have mouth-to-mouth to revive me when you wrote about reading Grisham books. That is AWESOME! I love his books also, and "The Testament" is one of all-time favorites. I hope to encourage you to pick up some Phillip Yancey and Dallas Willard writings.....you will be blessed more than you can imagine by both of those Godly men. Again, congrats on your blog and I look forward to reading you weekly, if not daily.
Your faithful brother,
Go, Go, Go - A.O.! Good to see you, Keith. I, myself am trying out this blogging thing - but a bit less creative than most. I've mostly been posting things I like that others have written, but am beginning to get comfortable with the idea of letting my thoughts out into words.

Our congregation built a new building which included room for a new library that a few talented servants have turned into something quite professional like. Well, I'm now hooked on books. God has blessed a lot of folks with some very gifted use of words, and I want to read more...
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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

I'm just an average joe, a faithful believer, a forgiven child of God.

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