Sunday, March 04, 2007
  The Upwards Experience

My daughter Laura and myself coached a 3rd and 4th grade girl's basketball team this year in a newly formed Upwards Basketball league. If you're not familiar with Upwards B-ball, its spiritual based with its purpose to use basketball as a tool to reach the unbelievers. Practices include a break for a short devotional and scripture memorization. We begin and end games with prayer. Parents and fans cheer for each team equally and winning is not emphasized; sportsmanship, fundamentals, and teamwork are. Its a great program that helps us focus on the truely important parts of the game at that level. Believe me, I'm want to win as bad as anyone, but its not a priority at this age. Having fun is. Learning how to dribble and pass and shoot and screen is something they can carry with them if they choose to continue playing in the next few years. (We did, however, come back and tie the only undefeated team in the league to finish the season in dramatic fashion!) We had a great experience and fell in love with 9 wonderful little girls. Thanks to Mallory, Maddie, Hannah, Raeanne, Sydney, Ashton, Sierra, Elizabeth, and Jacqline for making Laura and I smile so much. It was a blast. Above is a pic of Laura doing a devo during one of the practices. The girls fell in love with Laura. How could they not? She's my daughter!


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Location: Searcy, Arkansas, United States

I'm just an average joe, a faithful believer, a forgiven child of God.

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